You can find the latest Saturn roadmap at

Old Version below (deprecated in Feb 2023)

✅ June 2022 - Milestone M0: L1 nodes and Website

In June 2022, we would like to launch a private network of L1 Saturn nodes in various regions around the world. These nodes will be run by trusted or semi-trusted partners initially. When one of these L1 nodes does not have the desired file in its cache, it will cache-miss to the IPFS gateway. We will begin racing the Saturn Network against the IPFS Gateway and gathering performance data. We will also launch the public Saturn website to help other understand the project. We will also build Saturn’s service worker. See Saturn M0 Architecture

✅ September 2022 - Milestone M0.1: Saturn Sunrise Program for first public L1 nodes, better than IPFS Gateway performance

Significantly beat the IPFS Gateway on worldwide TTFB performance at 95th percentile, calculated from clients worldwide. Onboard ten external L1s into the Saturn network to gather early input and feedback as part of the Saturn Sunrise program.

✅ November 2022 - Milestone M0.2: Public L1 nodes

We will launch a public network of L1 nodes at FIL Lisbon. These L1 nodes will cache miss to the IPFS gateway. As a measure of success, we aim to have better performance than the IPFS Gateway.

We will pay L1 operators for their services, algorithmically in a centralized manner with basic anti-fraud detection, via log aggregation. This is not a block reward mechanism, just a payment system.

At this point, anyone who satisfies the L1 hardware requirements will be able to run an L1 node, contribute to the network, and earn Filecoin.

🟢 March 2023 - Milestone M1: First CDN Customers, Verifiable payment system

We will launch a private program for L2 nodes in Saturn’s mainnet. I.e. Saturn Sunrise for L2s. L1 nodes will cache miss to L2 nodes via a consistent hashing algorithm.

Anyone will also be able to run a Saturn L2 Testnet node via Station and contribute to the network. However, they will not be able to earn from Testnet.

We will onboard Saturn’s first paying customers.

The initial smart contracts of the verifiable fraud detection and payment system will be deployed on FEVM.

//Add [April 2023] Milestone #5: Cache-miss to IPFS node and Filecoin SPs

⚪️ June 2023 - Milestone M2: Cache-miss to Storage Providers

By the end of June 2023, we will connect the L1 and L2 node in the Saturn network to Filecoin Storage Providers and deprecate the connection to the IPFS Gateway. This will require coordination between the Saturn team and the Boost and Bedrock teams. The initial SP retrievals may be free but they provide a path for value to flow between the storage and retrieval networks, unlocking lots of possibilities. See Saturn M1 Architecture