Station is a deployment target for running code (Modules) on hardware offered by Station operators. Station operators can either run Station on a server, or they can run Station desktop on their home computers.

The power of Station is its network of Station devices. This offers an attractive deployment target for p2p network builders, and other builders in the Filecoin economy.

What are modules?

Modules are independent services that can run “inside” Station. Some modules will be able to interact with other modules, like the Wallet module.

The first module that ran in Station was a Saturn L2 node. Saturn is a decentralised content delivery network for the Filecoin Storage Network.

Future Modules in Station

The following are examples of modules that we envisage running in the Station.

  1. Run a Saturn node.
  2. Testing latency of retrievals from Storage Providers.
  3. Edge computation over some data.
  4. General network measurement tools.
  5. News about the Filecoin Network.
  6. Indexes to locate content in Filecoin.
  7. A deployment target for p2p network builders, with incentives for Station operators.

Eventually, users will be able to search the catalogue of Station Modules, install them easily to their Station, and keep them automatically up to date.


Zinnia, the Station runtime allows for untrusted modules to run on Stations, due to its sandboxing functionality.


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