📘Dashboard Directory

dashboard Notes
Gateway Metrics Overview We’re now using this as our north star to gauge progress and top level correctness. There’s an outstanding issue with the latency percentiles, that will be resolved soon.
New vs. Old Staging – Identical mirroring to Kubo and bifrost-gateway at 1 site
Will’s request breakdown dashboard
Caboose Aggregated Metrics
Lassie - on - Saturn Metrics
Saturn ↔ Lassie Metrics
Aggregate Saturn L1 Metrics (all traffic inclusive of Rhea)
Overall load on Gateways (old system)

Measurement Standards and Approaches

Purpose of this section is to explicitly write down how we’re going to measure, report, and goal on our metrics so that we can have a single source of truth, and place to drive alignment. The focus here is really on the top-level project metrics, but many of the things should probably apply to more detailed metrics just so we have consistency.

Topic How we do this Are we aligned?
Where we measure our metrics for official dashboards We will use prod setup, not staging environment ✅
Naming of old system vs. new system In all graphs, new system should be called “Rhea” and old system “Old” ✅
Official Correctness Metric Percentage point (pp) delta produced by subtracting success % metrics.
We always subtract Rhea from Old, negative delta means Rhea is more successful than Old. ✅
Official Latency metric(s) TTFB, TTLB @ P95, P90, P50 ✅
Apdex / Misery metric(s) TBD. First candidate would be some Apdex(Satisfied/Tolerated/Frustrated) for loading root HTMLs of DNSLink websites. ?

Metrics Tasks

Rhea Metrics Tracker

Hypotheses and experiments have moved here.


What do we mean by “Metrics”