Primary Project Resources:

Project Rhea Tracker - V2.

The Getting Rhea to M1 Thesis

Rhea Status Updates

Rhea Milestones

Rhea Project Metrics

System Configuration and Deployments

Rhea Meeting Notes

Rhea Measurement

<aside> ❗ A lot of the content below here is now probably more historical in nature. Will try to keep links to all relevant/latest stuff above this box, but retaining the below for future reference.


<aside> 📢 This should be the single, living document for project Rhea. We’ll use it to capture architecture, rollout plan, goals, metrics, and work tracking. If you create another artifact for the project, please either inline into this doc or make a subpage of this doc


<aside> 🎶 Note: as this is a living document, some things written down will still be tentative or we’re proposing something but looking for input. For these, please use red italics, and when it becomes not tentative move it back to normal text


<aside> 🗯️ Use comments for discussion. Tag the people you are looking for input from. Once discussion is resolved use your judgement: either “resolve” the thread making it go away, or you can leave a response saying it’s resolved but you’re keeping it around for the context in the discussion.
