
This document covers critical details for users of Filecoin slack, the primary chat platform of the Filecoin community. Administrative documentation is in [Ensure all admins are meeting the security requirements of admins.](https://pl-strflt.notion.site/Ensure-all-admins-are-meeting-the-security-requirements-of-admins-5052963b255f4f87a6a70631e7c40c5c).

<aside> 🪧 This is a living document meant to capture the current state. Please update if anything is out of date or missing!



Join the server

Follow the signup process at https://filecoin.io/slack.

Inviting a user

Please have them follow the signup process at https://filecoin.io/slack.

Get admin support

Workflows to get admin support can be found in the Workflows folder at the top of the #fil-slack-help channel.


Create a channel

Self-Service Channel Creation for PL Slack Members

<aside> 🪧 This process needs to be initiated from PL slack, not from FIL slack.


Currently as of July 7, 2023, PL slack members are able to initiate slack connects between PL and Filecoin slack within 24 hours of a channel being created in PL Slack. This workaround allows PL slack members to create channels on Filecoin slack on their own without making a request or requiring admin interaction by doing the following: