<aside> 👨‍🚀 The goal of this document is to highlight the different avenues one could take to allow verifiable computing over client data stored in Filecoin.



Goal: enable verifiable computation over data stored on Filecoin

Problem: Current commitment to data are not amenable to verifiable computation

Solutions: 3 different types

🚨 Core Problem

CommD is not at all SNARK friendly, e.g. we can’t run any verifiable computation over it efficiently.

Therefore, we want a new PieceCID/CommD which is SNARK friendly. The following sections each explores a different path to get there.

🌐 Single Commitment Vision

<aside> 👉 There is a single commD commitment used for both storage in Filecoin (as in now) but also verifiable computation over the data and IPFS.


Currently, computing over a SHA-256 PieceCID is very expensive for computation so we need to have another way to commit to a pieceCID.

