This page is collecting number of running SupraSeal C2 on a 32GiB sector, the runtime is in seconds. It depends on the hardware, hence there’s always a comparison between using CUDA and using SupraSeal. Most important part is the GPU that is used, hence it’s mentioned which one it is.

User GPU Speedup CUDA (sec) SupraSeal (sec) Source
vmx Quadro RTX 6000 4.86 1104 227
vmx RTX 4090 3.05 397 130
Reiers RTX 4090 3.67 525 143
Reiers TITAN RTX 183
TippyFlits A4000 2.03 1091 538
Stuberman RTX 3090 127
zcfil RTX 3090 3.88 535 138

Benchmarks for Non-interactive PoRep

Quadro RTX 6000

10 PoReps (this is what interactive PoRep does) with CUDA:

10 PoReps (this is what interactive PoRep does) with SupraSeal:

126 PoReps (this is what non-interactive PoRep does) with Supraseal:


GeForce RTX 4090