Goals for the Week
- To agree upon a two month sprint for the Saturn Launch in Lisbon
- To get to know each other as there are lots of new faces!
- For the Lisbon Saturn Launch, we will no longer be launching L2s. It will only be a launch of Saturn L1s with cache-miss to the IPFS gateway.
- Station will continue with development as before but will not run a marketing launch until L2s are ready.
- Launch brainstorm doc including technical and marketing topics.
- Julian will work on L1<> L2 interop as it is a blocker for the Station launch, but we need to make sure the Arcians can maintain focus on L1 launch.
- Miro is still fully focussed on Station.
- Julian & Aarsh hacked on L1 <> L2 interop.
- Diego gave a talk on L1 nodes with next steps at the end of the doc, mainly focussed around network observability and monitoring.
- Julian presented the previous days work on L1 <> L2 interop with the proposed solution using a single JS process in the L1s and a reverse HTTP connection, to avoid connection issues. A PR has been raised with this logic.
- Miro gave a talk on the Station Architecture choices so far and we reviewed the Figma designs for Station.
- Amean gave a talk on Maria’s work on Saturn Aliens - the fraud detection and payout mechanism for Saturn nodes.
- Will gave a talk on data transfer protocols covering CAR files, IPLD, Bitswap, Graphsync, HTTP for CAR for the new joiners.
- Will talking about
- Retrieval from SPs - status quo
- Retrieval from SPs from a Saturn perspective
- How we can improve the flow client → Saturn → IPFS Gateway → Kubo → autoretrieve → SPs