Current state of the world for UPs
- Bedrock can leverage the Evergreen program to force certain support use cases
- Boost working on scaling support for retrievals to increase capacity there
- L1s don't want to start storing data if they don't have to - just focus on distribution
RM Future
- Build an ingestion engine and then store that on Filecoin
- This could then become a FIL+ faucet
Incentive futures
- Egress but L1s would need to maintain wallets which they don't currently need to do
- Would need to do much heavier testing on paid retrieval
- It would simplify rewards to the SP, but we have to deal with 0FIL wallet problems on L1s
- Assume payment channels are setup in May -
- How is payment negotiation handled? Currently just set.
- Leverage gateway traffic to drive data cap deals?
- Lots of likely duplicate data
- Saturn will need to run aggregation until Sub-deals are available
- Claim system from SP's
- Potential problem with collusion
- What motivation if it comes from the L1s pool? -L1s denying claims
- Offchain payments channels
- Speed of signatures during transmission
- Grow window of trust when signatures happen - Ala TCP windows
- What's performance like for TTFB with current retrievals?
- Is there a path forward for trickle down Econ from Saturn?
- Could SP's run L1s to solve some of this?
- Not particularly feasible. Regional cacheing, you don't choose who caches.
- Can we push updates to SP's to get them to update configs?
- Currently manually configured - can we set profiles?
- Can we get web3 storage deals, etc, to also enforce retrieval params?
Potential path forward