@David Dryjanski @Anonymous @Deleted User
Brenda’s raw notes
DVD’s raw notes
Marina’s raw notes
Will’s notes
Known constraints for retrieval incentives
- No way to trustlessly establish proof of file delivery
Incentive structures
Pay per byte
- Benefits
- Incentives are very aligned
- Additional downloads are rewarded
- Easy to understand
- Problems
- Does not have a mechanism that confirms file delivery
- Does not guarantee fast delivery since speed is not incorporated into the reward (will not deliver CDN level performance)
- Need a trusted business relationship so that rely on to provide the frequency of retrieval
- No trustless way to avoid abuse
- Or need to rely on a central entity
- Potential bad behavior
- File requested from L1, SP not giving it back - failure
- DDosing from client standpoint - need to weight by the amount of traffic
- Challenges for adoption
- Pricing might not be attractive
- Potential modifications
Bittorrent-like retrieval across many parties
- Pay in proportion to the number of chunks delivered
- Incentive to provide correct data during retrieval, and fast