
This page contains all the relevant information for the Retrieval Markets team and wider working group for Lisbon Blockchain Month 2022. It contains desired outcomes, launches, events and speaking engagements. This page will continue to be updated as new information arises.

Desired Outcomes

  1. RMWG
    1. A platform for each team in the Retrieval Markets Working group to show off their work
    2. An opportunity for each team to launch something ⛴
    3. 50+ attendees at the RM Summit
    4. Brainstorming and strategising around RMWG future direction
  2. Filecoin Saturn
    1. Widespread knowledge and clarity around Saturn
    2. Significant inbound interest to run Saturn L1 nodes
    3. A visually impressive launch presentation of Saturn
  3. Filecoin Station
    1. 200+ trusted downloads of Filecoin Station Closed Alpha.
    2. Widespread understanding of the vision of Station
    3. Inbound interest in creating new modules for Station


Retrieval Markets Summit, Lisbon


Initiative Launching Team Roadmap Link
Filecoin Saturn L1 Launch PL / RM / Saturn Untitled ( (M0.5)
Filecoin Station Closed Alpha PL / RM / Station Untitled ( (M1) Coming soon
Pando MVP Ken Labs
Titan MVP New Web Group
Go-nitro Multi-hop payment channels, FEVM integration (hopefully) Magmo

Speaking Opportunities

Date Event Speaker Talk Link
27th October RM Summit Multiple Multiple
3rd November Lotus and Friends Patrick Filecoin Station
3rd November Lotus and Friends Ansgar Filecoin Saturn

Road to Lisbon: RM Marketing Plan