- review proposed working group purpose
- gather use cases
- set next meeting time
- event link:
Move the Bytes WG
- We
want need to replace bitswap.
- We represent a sizable chunk of the IPFS community, are the group with both the capability & motivation to ship a better data transfer protocol
- It’s in the interest of the protocol for us to ship one **new data transfer protocol
- Shipping a single protocol stands a higher chance of replacing bitswap faster
- To make this work for everyone, to enumerate the use cases this new protocol must serve
- use cases must be quantified
- in order for it to count as a “use case”, it must be a problem you currently have, or can demonstrate with metrics that you will have
- we should test multiple designs
- let’s all agree to use the design that is the intersection of the most use cases served & the best performance
- Let’s push for multiple designs to make our work mutually-informing
- our tests should include outside protocols that model the same scenarios
- bitswap (duh)
- graphsync
- Bittorrent
- rsync
- This working group will switch to async communication once the first implementation(s) are deployed & considered stable
- What can we ship in 3 months
- Family of languages we need to target
- Testground plan for carpool, graphsync, http
- continuous improvement / adding / testing other impls
- Baseline / Success criteria
- minimum perf
- Point to point vs one to one requests
- minimum usecase