<aside> ⚠️ This document is currently in flux, as we’re figuring out the set of LabWeek 2023 Deliverables. It is based on a previous understanding of priorities, as described in Prioritise Station and Meridian Design Doc 03: Evaluation dissected.


Starmaps Roadmap



flowchart LR
  PN[Non-technical preparation]
  subgraph PT[Technical preparation]
  M --> E
  E --> R
  B --> M
  PN --> R

Unless resourcing or dependencies on external teams inform us otherwise, the milestones Measure, Evaluate and Reward should be implemented sequentially.

The preparation milestones can happen in tandem, as visualized above. Eventually during Measure, Technical preparation: Boost will need to have been completed. Eventually during Reward, Non-technical preparation will need to have been completed.

M1-M3 have the same deadline as there’s a lot of uncertainty on the Boost part:

There’s an alternative way to structure this: Target the existing frisbii server as an SP in all of the milestones, then add a milestone for proper Boost support.

M0: Non-technical preparation @Patrick Woodhead September 30, 2023

  1. Talk to legal @Anonymous
    1. What are the implications of this architecture from a legal perspective
    2. What should we look out for
    3. Can we comfortably issue rewards like this
    4. Are we able to help peers with push rewards initially?
  2. Secure funds @Anonymous
    1. We need one or more pots of FIL for initial rewards, for as long as there are no SPARK customers yet
    2. Talk to Reputation working group
    3. Talk to Network funding
  3. Reach out to contractors for the smart contracts
  4. Reach out to Security audit firms

M1: Boost retrieval attestation August 31, 2023

  1. Make SPs participate in attestation protocol @Miroslav Bajtoš
    1. Write spec for signature chain header (all protocols, start with http) ✅
      1. Ensure chains can’t be reused (include hash of unique request identifier)
      2. See SPARK Content retrieval attestation
    2. Create GH issue on Boost repo (https://github.com/filecoin-project/boost) + follow up where requested / as necessary
      1. See https://github.com/filecoin-project/boost/issues/1597