Moved to Github

After the initial project planning using Notion and gathering feedback from the community, the project has now moved into the Lotus Github Repo for the rest of the project phases.

Check the 🗺 Mega Lotus-Miner project issue and Github Project tracker:

Lotus-Miner-V2 • filecoin-project


<aside> 📄 We define enterprise storage providers as storage providers who focus on onboarding data with 10+ PiB raw storage and beyond, or SPs that aspire to have that amount of deal storage capacity.

Taking in storage deals and serving retrievals is a requirement to be considered an enterprise storage provider.


Problems we identified:

Community feedback

We gathered all the high-level problem areas we identified and potential solutions we looked into in an open Github discussion. We engaged with the Storage Provider Working Groups and Decentralised Storage Alliance to get their feedback and to surface any other areas that are problematic for storage providers. We promoted the post to the broader community through relevant Slack-channels / SP-Newsletters / Lotus-Twitter:

Link to Github discussion: Architectural/System-level problems for enterprise-level storage providers

Summary of feedback: