

Team-focused view of takeaways, learnings, and next steps from IPFS Thing. This is expected to be shared with an upcoming Sitrep in the places that is disseminated (e.g., #engres, #ipfs-implementers, #libp2p-implementers). More detailed notes of individuals are linked from ‣. This is also being being requested at the EngRes level: 202304 IPFS Thing EngRes Recaps.


  1. Individuals do their self-reports in or linked from ‣
  2. Section leaders below take those individual reports and/or work with team members to fill in their section.
  3. The above should be completed by Friday, 2023-04-28, (a week after the event) at the latest.

Each section can take their own form, but some potential prompts to answer include:

  1. Key takeaways
  2. Anything we were affirmed to double down on
  3. Anything we should reconsider
  4. New impactful opportunities
  5. Next steps / followups that we’re tracking (and those should all link to whatever the team users for tracking their work (e.g., github issue, Notion board))


Owner: @Steve (biglep)

Good energy