(Last updated: April 14, 2023)
What is it?
- The enablement of Enterprise customers to receive DataCap by utilizing upfront verification of client, dataset, SP information for pathways such as:
- Private/encrypted datasets
- 15+PiB datasets
What the status?
Track applicant status here: LINK
- Pilot ongoing since Nov 2022 with 18 applicants representing 65 PiB of potential Datacap currently onboarding datasets
- The project is shifting focus in April 2023 toward more upfront verification requirements.
How do I sign up? (Three Easy Steps)
- Step 1: Complete the E-Fil+ Registration Form: LINK
- Step 2: Complete a ****Know your Business (KYB) check
- Step 3: Login with a GitHub account at: https://filplus.storage/apply
- If it’s your first login, please complete the KYC check via togggle.io
How to get involved?
- As a Data Owner/Client: See registration steps above
- As a Storage Provider: Contact: [email protected] or @Kevin Z on Filecoin slack about your client’s use case to begin the application process
Want to learn more?
- Join the Slack Working Group: #fil-plus-enterprise-wg
Additional Background
- Launched v0 of the pilot on Nov 1, 2022: LINK