This document explores the different network architectures that service providers can deploy to participate in Bacalhau network, following the proposed architectural changes in Bacalhau Orchestration. Each service provider can follow a different architecture depending no their investment in the network and their availability target.
This is the simplest form of participation in the network where a service provider can participate with a single compute node to execute jobs it receives from requester nodes in the network. The node will also host an SQLite database to persist state about the jobs it is executing to handle requester node status update queries, and to retry execution when the node is bounced.
The node will join a p2p network with other service providers so that requester nodes in the network can discover this node. Optionally, it can also join network stats GossipSub topic to periodically publish stats about itself to improve its rank in the network, and to build reputation about requester nodes to help decide which requests to accept or reject.
This scheme is applicable for simple users who want to participate in the network with their personal computers and have the least amount of upfront investment of technical knowledge to join. It also suffers from being the least available approach and not effective to build a better reputation.