The first step in the SPARK retrieval check workflow is the selection of (cid, address) pair that the given checker should test.

We have the following requirements:

Additional thoughts:

Possible solutions

  1. ❌  A hard-coded list of (CID, address) to pick from. This list must be private to SPARK Orchestrator (SPs must not be able to access it.)

  2. A random walk of IPNI advertisements, using DRAND as a source of randomness.

    1. Problem: there is only one IPNI instance → a single point of failure. There won’t be another consistent instance up & running by LabWeek.
    2. This will be the solution we want to use in the long term; we will be able to trust a consortium of IPNI nodes to be correct.

    What would our IPNI query look like?

    Can the IPNI team build & ship this API in time for us?

    There is no verification that SPs are submitting all CIDs to IPNI and won’t be done by LabWeek.

    → Propose the new API - open a new GH issue in

  3. A random walk of Filecoin storage deals


  4. ❌ For each SPARK deal, the party paying for the retrieval provides a public list of CIDs & addresses to check. (This will be presumably based on Filecoin storage deals made by the paying party.)

Meeting notes


Will’s doc

We don’t know that the advertisement is honest