
Coordinate on Helia’s presence for HackFS 2023, rather than have information strewn across Slack.


Info about the event



Private FIL slack channel #builders-funnel-ama-current-focus-hackfs

Outercore support: @Anonymous

Why are we engaging on this?

The Helia maintainers have a goal of getting 10 rabidly enthusiastic production Helia users by IPFS Camp (early November) and 20 by end of the year. Given there is a lot of PL support and investment in HackFS and it lets us connect with ~1000 builders, this is a good forcing function to pick up new adopters, get the word out more about Helia, and at the minimum see the user pain points.

Our entry info

This is info that has been requested by Outercore.

Hackathon challenge statement